Frequently Asked Questions
What is a legal nurse consultant (LNC)?
A legal nurse consultant is a Registered Nurse (RN) who applies their clinical expertise to assist in legal matters, particularly cases involving complex healthcare issues.
what can a legal nurse consultant do for me?
A legal nurse consultant can provide medical record review, case evaluation, expert witness preparation, research, assistance with discovery, trial preparation, client education, and much more.
Who hires legal nurse consultants?
Attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities, government agencies, and many other organizations hire legal nurse consultants to assist with cases that require medical expertise.
What are the benefits of having a legal nurse consultant on my team?
A legal nurse consultant will provide you and your team with specialized medical insight, assist in identification of relevant medical issues, improve the timeliness of case preparation, and potentially reduce litigation costs by efficiently managing the medical aspects involved in a case.
can a legal nurse consultant testify in court?
Yes. A legal nurse consultant can testify in court as an expert witness regarding standards of care, deviations from the standard of care, and other medical issues relevant to the particular case.
are legal nurse consultants confidential?
Yes. Legal nurse consultants adhere to confidentiality and ethical standards. Medical records and sensitive information remain confidential.